What are the disadvantages and procedures of the dentures of the fixed and moving foundation?

Explanations on tooth prosthesis

Denture prosthesis is a method that is currently used in dentistry. As you know, denture prosthetics are known to someone who is a graduate of dental prosthodontics, and after completing university studies, he is involved in the development of dental prosthodontics. Graduates of this field can work in various fields such as prosthetics, ortho, full denture, partial, implant, .... The specialty of prosthetic dentistry deals with both prosthetic and prosthetic topics and dental implants (which are a fixed prosthesis). In dentistry, prostheses usually replace lost teeth. In other cases where part of the jaw is lost for reasons such as cancer and accidents, etc., prostheses replace those parts. In this article, the site of courage is about the disadvantages and procedures of the dentures of the fixed and mobile base teeth, and what we are talking about, we hope to be taken into consideration.
Types of denture prostheses

Part prosthesis Cobalt cream prostheses are other types of parsil tooth prostheses known as "fragmentary teeth." Various types of parsil tooth prostheses include: Full-acrylic parsil prostheses (flippers): As a temporary treatment It is used in many cases. Cobalt cream prostheses are used as a free endodontic treatment (those who do not have prosthetic dentures behind the mouth) or who do not want to use fixed prosthodontics. Prosthodontics with acrylic compound (pink part of the denture "prosthetic denture") and metal alloys, the major part of which consists of cadmium and cobalt. Gets Denture prostheses are unpleasant due to the metallicity of the clips. Therefore, another type of particle-tooth prosthesis, called paroxysmal teeth, is used to denote the tooth-colored metal toes.
Prosthesis or dummy organs

Prosthetic limb, prosthesis, or prosthesis is an instrument that is called the restoration of parts of the body by the method of regeneration or limb or artificial limbs. In fact, replacement or replacement of organs or organs or organs is lost, so that the organ or member can achieve all or part of the lost function. It's no wonder that in some cases, it also has only a beautiful aspect, such as eye refinement and fingerprinting. Prostheses include artificial teeth, artificial teeth, artificial limbs, etc.
Prosthodontics of the moving teeth

People who have lost all their teeth use mobile tooth prosthesis, with the advent of dental implants today, the use of these types of mobile tooth prostheses has been reduced, but is still used as a low-cost toothless treatment.
Fixed tooth prosthesis

Fixed prosthodontics is used as a treatment for dental treatment and has several types. Depending on the treatment, various existing systems are used. Considering the principle of the position of the jaw and position of the teeth, as well as the amount of destruction of the remaining teeth, in itself, indicates the type of treatment plan. If the same data is taken into consideration, the best solution for the patient's problem and for an indefinite period can be treated. The fixed prostheses are divided into three parts: ceramic prosthesis attached to metals. Full-ceramic prostheses with different materials. Composite prostheses.
Complete denture

Full-length prostheses also have two types of normal and soft gums. The complete denture has two parts: the one with the teeth white, and the other part of the prosthesis pink section to the "prosthetic gingiva", which is a part of the prosthetic gum for strength to work. The role of full prosthetic prosthesis or soft gingival parsley to relieve inflammation or inflammation of the patient's gum, soft gum is used as a layer with a thickness of 1-2 mm under the gum of the prosthesis for short periods, so that the mouth to receive a hard gingiva Provided. Prosthodontics with soft gums have a very low performance and cause the destruction of the residual gingival tissue in the person's mouth. It is also very difficult to keep the flexible prostheses (soft gums) clean, and the likelihood of the growth of a variety of bacteria and fungi in their pores is high.
What is a denture?

Tooth prostheses mean synthetic teeth or dentures that have different types of teeth, from simple tiles to repair a tooth to full dentures that are called dentures, are denture prosthetics, dentists for cosmetic or medical reasons. Prolonged toothpastes are fixed and prosthetic. The purpose of the term is tooth prosthesis, artificial teeth or tooth replacement. These prostheses come in many different types, from simple coatings that are used to help repair a tooth to complete dentures that are used to replace a tooth and commonly referred to as dentures, fixed and fixed tooth prostheses for reasons Beauty and medicine are used by the dentist. Patients who need a prosthesis have a problem in biting, and they feel embarrassed because of not having a tooth or bad physical appearance because they do not have a tooth. Under such circumstances, the doctor will perform a tooth replacement and Whitening (bleaching) brings beauty back to the tooth.

thanks to : پروتز دندان


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